Begonia Amstel Blitz
Begonia Amstel Blitz, also know as Rieger Begonia, with glossy, succulent dark to medium green leaves blooms with elegant double lemon-yellow flowers.The 6-8" plant is shipped in 4" nursery pot.
Other names for Begonia
Painted Leaf Begonia, Rex Begonia, Fancy Leaf Begonia, Begonia rex-cultorumHow to care for Begonia
Begonias grow best in well-drained, humus-rich soil with moderate water. Use a porous potting mix in a relatively shallow pot, and feed the plant regularly. Keep the plant moist, but avoid overwatering. Begonias thrive in part shade to full shade.Begonia care tips
Begonias like warm temperatures and hate big changes in temperature, which can lead to leaf damage. If you do see flowers appearing, the best thing to do is actually remove the buds, so that the plant will focus all of its energy on producing beautiful, colored leaves.