Aloe Christmas Sleigh
Dwarf starfish-shaped Aloe Christmas Sleigh features red thorns on thick green-blue leaves with red bumps. For best color provide your baby with bright light and cool nights. The 4-5" plant is shipped bare root.
Facts about Aloe
The most popularly belief that Aloe is derived from the Arabic words "alloch" or "alloeh", or the Greek word "aloƫ", referring to aloe leaves juice.How to care for Aloe
Aloe Soil Type: Make sure it drains well. DIY mix: 6 parts pumice or perlite, 2 parts compost or potting mix and 2 parts coarse-grained sand or granite grit. OR use store soil mixes: 1 part bagged cactus mix and 1 part potting mix. Watering Aloe: Very low. Does not like wet feet. Aloe Light Preference: Full to Partial Sun, Bright Indoor Light.Aloe care tips
Aloe thrives in snug conditions. Repot your aloe only if the weight of the plant causes tipping.
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