Haworthia Cuspidata
Haworthia cuspidata has bright green rosette of thick and fleshy leaves marked by a mottling of translucent "leaf windows" that let sunlight in and help the plant tolerate low light conditions. The 4-5" plant is shipped bare root.
Other names for Haworthia
Zebra Cactus, Pearl Plant, Star Window Plant, Cushion AloeHow to care for Haworthia
Soil type: Make sure it drains well. DIY mix: 6 parts pumice or perlite, 2 parts compost or potting mix and 2 parts coarse-grained sand or granite grit. OR use store soil mixes: 1 part bagged cactus mix and 1 part potting mix. Water: Very low. Does not like wet feet. Light: Full to Partial Sun, Bright Indoor Light.Haworthia care tips
Haworthia are small and relatively slow-growing succulents. They grow better in small clusters in wide shallow dishes. Haworthia species like bright light, but not direct sunlight. White or yellow leaves usually signify too much sun. If the plant isn't getting enough light, its green color will fade.