Dahlia Novation Pink Bicolor
Dahlia Novation Pink Bicolor flowers early with fully double flowers in shades of pink and white. The 6-8" plant is shipped in 4" nursery pot.
Dahlia common names
Garden dahlia, Dahlia, Pinnate dahliaHow to care for Dahlia
These flower-producing machines thrive almost everywhere and require little to no attention. Simply plant Dahlia in spring and enjoy months of big, brightly colored blossoms. Dahlias grow best when they receive a consistent supply of water. Drip irrigation is ideal, as it directs moisture to the root zone while keeping the foliage dry. If you are hand-watering, it's best to water Dahlias deeply once per week. Apply an all-purpose 5-5-5 fertilizer at planting time and when they start blooming, feed them once or twice a month with a low nitrogen liquid fertilizer. Removing flowers that have passed their prime keeps plants looking neat, encourages them to produce new buds and helps control pests and disease.Dahlia care tips
When Dahlias are 12” tall, pinch off the top of the main stem. This will stimulate lateral branching and result in more stems and more flowers. Border Dahlias are self-supporting, but full-size Dahlias can grow 3 to 4 feet tall and benefit from being staked or caged. Mulching around the base of the plants will help reduce moisture loss and keep the roots cooler.