Sweet William (seeds) Deep Red
This crimson red Sweet William Dianthus is a compact, upright plant with clusters of flowers with neatly serrated and suffused with fire-engine-red petals. Packet of 20 seeds.
Other names for Sweet William
Dianthus BarbatusHow to grow Sweet William from seeds
Dianthus Barbatus's seeds may be planted directly in the garden in late spring for bloom the following year. For jump start, plant mature seedlings in early fall for bloom the following year. Sweet William is best grown in deep, organically rich, well-drained soils in full sun, but generally appreciates some light afternoon shade in hot summer. Blooms second year.Sweet William care tips
Grown from a seed, Dianthus Barbatus usually don't bloom the first year, but has nice green foliage. Winterize it for the next season gorgeous bloom.