Echeveria Chungha
Echeveria Chung-Ha has a compact rosette with thick and smooth mint leaves outlined in a vivid rose color, giving this succulent a stained glass window effect. The 2-3" plant is shipped bare root.
Facts about Echeveria
Echeverias, named in honor of 18th-century Mexican botanical artist and naturalist Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy, are one of the most well-known succulents.How to care for Echeveria
Echeveria Soil type: Make sure it drains well. DIY mix: 6 parts pumice or perlite, 2 parts compost or potting mix and 2 parts coarse-grained sand or granite grit. OR use store soil mixes: 1 part bagged cactus mix and 1 part potting mix. Watering Echeveria: Very low. Does not like wet feet. Echeveria Light Preference: Full to Partial Sun, Bright Indoor Light.Echeveria care tips
Echeverias look good in spring due to new growth and fall when they attain their best colors. In winter, plants go dormant and dry lower leaves to protect the stem from cold. Wait until spring to remove dead leaves. Fertilize when the plants are actively growing, but not in fall to heighten color until February. Rotate the pot 180 degrees often for even exposure and balanced plant.