Globe Thistle (seeds) Blue Glow
A bold tall plant, Echinops Ritro will add spiky globes of blue color with silvery foliage is deeply cut, shaped like lances to your garden. Packet of 10 seeds.
Other names for Globe Thistle
Echinops bannaticus. The name Echinops is derived from Greek echinos meaning “hedgehog” and ops meaning appearance.How to grow Globe Thistle from seeds
Sow Globe Thistle seeds indoors in late winter. Surface sow and press in lightly. Keep at 65-70°F under light to germinate. Direct sow Globe Thistle seeds outdoors after frost in mid-spring to early summer. Echinops prefers full sun and adapts well to average soil. Water regularly while establishing, then only during especially dry, hot spells.Globe Thistle care tips
Cut away the spent flowers to globe thistle to add to dried flower arrangements, to prevent reseeding, and to encourage re-bloom.