Pansy (seeds) Swiss Giants Mixed Colors
A biennial Pansy Swiss Giants Mixed Colors blooms in colors of blue, violet, purple, mahogany, yellow, and variations of stripes and blotches that look like smiling faces.
Other names for Pansy
Viola, Heartsease, Viola × WittrockianaHow to grow Pansy from seeds
Start Pansy seeds indoors in late winter 8 to 10 weeks before the last spring frost for early spring and summer flowering. Or, start seeds in late summer for fall and winter flowering. Pansies are best grown in moist well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. A main advantage to planting pansies in fall is that they will bloom earlier (late winter to early spring) than spring transplants.Pansy care tips
Growing pansies are commonly seen in late fall and early spring in more northern areas of the United States, while in subtropical areas, pansies bloom throughout the winter. Deadhead pansies for a longer period of blooms.