Selaginella Kraussiana Frosty Fern
Frosty Fern is a petite plant with creamy white naturally "frosted" edges. The newest leaves are pale and grow at the edges which gives the plant its frosted appearance. The 4-5" plant is shipped in 2.5" nursery pot.
Other names for Selaginella
Krauss' Spikemoss, Krauss's Clubmoss, African clubmoss, Fern, Frosty Fern, Frosted FernHow to care for Selaginella Kraussiana
Selaginella Kraussiana prefers warm temperatures, high humidity and consistently moist soil. Indoors, give frosty fern bright but indirect light. Outdoors it prefers shade. It prefers the high 60s or 70s, but can suffer in air above 80.Selaginella Kraussiana care tips
To provide the high humidity place the pot on a saucer filled with gravel or pebbles and water. Selaginella Kraussiana also grows very well in a closed terrarium, which naturally creates the consistently moist air and soil that it likes.